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FDA Approves New Injectable Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment for Dogs

In a groundbreaking advancement for canine health, a new treatment has emerged that promises to revolutionize the way dogs are treated for musculoskeletal ailments such as osteoarthritis and injuries to tendons and ligaments. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently reviewed a pioneering product known as PrecisePRP Canine, developed by VetStem, Inc., marking a significant milestone in veterinary medicine.

PrecisePRP Canine is a cutting-edge therapy that utilizes platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a technology that has been gaining traction in both human and veterinary medicine due to its healing properties. This innovative product is specifically designed for intra-articular (inside the joint) use, making it the first of its kind to undergo and pass FDA review for this application.

What sets PrecisePRP Canine apart is its unique composition and ease of use. Each vial of this injectable solution contains a consistent dose of four billion platelets, concentrated at 500,000 platelets per microliter. Additionally, it is leucoreduced, meaning it contains fewer than 1,500 white blood cells per microliter, minimizing the risk of inflammatory reactions. This meticulous attention to detail in its formulation ensures that each treatment is both safe and effective for our canine companions.

The benefits of PRP are well-documented, with applications spanning dermatology, ophthalmology, and musculoskeletal disorders. Its ability to promote healing and regeneration makes it a valuable tool in managing a variety of conditions.

Dr. Bob Harman, DVM, founder and CEO of VetStem, Inc., expressed pride in their collaboration with the FDA, highlighting the rigorous review process that underscores the product’s quality and safety. “We are proud to have collaborated with the FDA under this new review program and applaud their requirements for the review process,” he stated.

An added advantage of PrecisePRP Canine is its “off-the-shelf” nature. Unlike traditional PRP treatments that require a blood draw from the patient, followed by centrifugation to concentrate the platelets, this product is ready to use without the need for refrigeration, simplifying the treatment process significantly.

Set to launch in the U.S. in May, PrecisePRP Canine is poised to become a game-changer in veterinary medicine, offering a new lease on life for dogs suffering from painful and debilitating conditions. For more information on this innovative treatment, pet owners and veterinarians are encouraged to visit the FDA website or contact VetStem, Inc. directly. This is not just a step forward in veterinary care, but a leap towards a future where our pets can enjoy healthier, more active lives.

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