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Missouri Authorities Rescue 22 Dogs from Unlicensed Breeder

In a heart-wrenching rescue operation, twenty-two dogs, including newborn puppies as young as five days old, were saved from dire conditions at Coonies Coonhounds, an unlicensed breeding facility in Gasconade County, Missouri. The rescue, led by the Humane Society of Missouri’s (HSMO) Animal Cruelty Task Force (ACT), took place on May 23 following distressing reports, including the discovery of a deceased puppy on the premises.

The scene that greeted the rescuers was one of utter despair. The dogs, primarily large-breed coonhound mixes, were found living in deplorable conditions that no animal should ever endure. The urgency of the situation was palpable, with every moment critical to the survival of these neglected animals.

Kathy Warnick, president of the HSMO, expressed her deep gratitude towards the Gasconade County Sheriff for their pivotal role in the operation. “These dogs lived in horrific conditions, and had we not intervened, many more may not have survived,” Warnick stated. She emphasized the importance of community support to help these dogs heal and eventually find loving homes where they can start anew.

Following their rescue, the dogs were transported to HSMo’s Macklind headquarters in St. Louis for immediate medical attention. Each dog underwent a thorough health evaluation, revealing that many were malnourished and suffering from various medical issues, including wounds and respiratory conditions.

A critical juncture for these dogs will be a disposition hearing scheduled for June 10, 2024. This hearing will determine whether the HSMO can take legal custody of the dogs, a necessary step before they can be put up for adoption. If custody is granted, each dog will be carefully evaluated by veterinarians and a behavior team to ensure they are ready for adoption.

The plight of these dogs at Coonies Coonhounds is a stark reminder of the dark side of unlicensed breeding operations. It underscores the vital work of organizations like the HSMo and the community’s role in supporting such efforts. For those moved by the story of these resilient dogs, the HSMO welcomes donations and support to aid in their recovery and care.

For more details on how you can help or to learn more about the adoption process, please visit the HSMO website. Together, we can give these dogs the second chance they deserve and ensure they find their way to a happier and healthier life.

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